But first things first. An appointment at Bravissimo, where I spent nearly two hours being 'fitted'. Ladies, if you live in the UK, and your front bit feels like you're carrying a small rucksack, I cannot recommend Bravissimo enough. Never mind going to M & S, where you will be severely measured with a cold tape, and sent forth after five minutes - this is An Experience. I knew other people who had been through this initiation, and their accounts have been evangelical...they were right. I have had an epiphany. No tapes, just a cubicle and a nice young lady who surveys you with expertise, and then utters the magical words 'you have a tiny back'. Much later, I emerged a different bust size, with the same shining light in my eyes and a completely new set of 'over-the-shoulder-boulder-holders'. And went forth to inspect the French market. By now my pocket money had run out, so I restrained myself to one wild boar salami. But it was an orgy of deliciousness, and a welcome change from the dour catchpenny atmosphere of the regular Oxford market.

After this, a cursory browse round the city center - I always feel I have to make the effort, but get overwhelmed by the cacophony and visual noise. I was also terribly sad to see the closure of yet another old Oxford bookstore closing, no doubt to be replaced by a ubiquitous sandwich bar.
As usual, I fled back to the bus stop, and made a stop-over over in Witney - more errands - before catching the connecting bus back to the peace of the village and arriving home at 6.30pm, wrung out and with a rare headache. Jobs done, and relief at it being over for another few months.